Purchasing software does the hard work of checking that what you are being charged matches what you received. Purchase orders, order receipts, and vendor invoices are aligned automatically in our system, highlighting issues and saving your hard-earned money. Eliminate the risk of costly user error with purchasing software: Duplicate orders and payments are a thing of the past. Unfulfilled purchase orders cannot fall through the cracks. Payments are cross-matched to the order, the PO, the invoice, and the delivery slip, so there is never a need to track down proof of payment or delivery.
Authenticate each delivery to ensure you have received what you ordered and the quality of the goods or services are up to scratch. Track relevant documentation and notes all in one centralized system accessible from the cloud. When a return is necessary, full audit trail tracking with comments lets you see answers to the important why question at a glance.
See the status of any order at any time. A full audit trail is kept for every order from purchase requisition through invoice reconciliation, making it easier than ever to ensure accountability. Track every receiving action carried out against every PO. Split goods delivery? Long-term service contracts? Staged deliverables? No problem with PurchaseControl. Authenticate each delivery and see who signed off, where, and when. Easily monitor your history of deliveries and ensure you are not paying for goods or services you did not receive.
"PurchaseControl has helped us limit the risks associated with bad planning, unapproved purchases, and even fraud. It has enabled us to consolidate many of our purchasing functions on a district and regional level with more consolidation planned in the coming months."
With our automated delivery status report, you can quickly see which orders are overdue for delivery, follow up with the supplier, and get things back on track. You'll be able to assess which of your suppliers are underperforming and take action to improve your operations.
Managing multiple locations? How about in multiple states or countries? PurchaseControl manages receiving and inventory management for large or small organizations. See open orders per person, per item, per location, per company, or the full picture in seconds with our filterable reporting. Get the overview with the drill down analytics you need. Have all the relevant documentation available from the cloud.
Accurate receiving information for your goods and services can help take the pain away from your AP team. Our three-way matching protocol helps you avoid paying inaccurate invoices by ensuring that what you are being charged matches your orders and receipts. Three documents – purchase orders, order receipts, and vendor invoices – are aligned automatically in our paperless purchase order system, highlighting any discrepancies and saving you money.
Flexible workflows can be set up to match your organization's requirements. Not dealing with inventory items? Just track the delivery of your service orders without the inventory management. We feel the more you match the easier the overall workflow will be, but three-way matching doesn’t suit all companies. Drop shipping? Delivering straight to client sites? If the receiving step doesn’t work for your company’s circumstances you can skip the step and follow a two-way matching process instead.
Imagine how much faster orders would be processed if every stage of the procurement process was paperless? Create and share purchase orders instantly. Order in multiple currencies, for multiple locations, and multiple legal entities all from one place. Track purchases and monitor spending on the fly so that you can make smarter budgeting decisions, and ensure efficient purchase order management with our procurement software.
Learn MorePurchaseControl eliminates the time wasted tracking down requestors and approvers for a vendor invoice. Using our automated three-way matching process reduces human error in the reconciliation process and automate sending authorized invoices to your accounting software for payment. Inaccurate or fraudulent vendor invoicing becomes a thing of the past, and budget and GL code allocation are automated.
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